Wednesday, September 7, 2016

A Walk To Remember

A movie that I recently watched had me feeling really happy. The movie "A Walk To Remember" is about a girl name "Jamie Sullivan" an innocent christian girl and a popular bad boy "Landon Carter". Landon gets in trouble with the police and as one of his punishments has to participate in the school play. He then asks Jamie to help him study his lines for the play; along the way with them hanging out a lot he falls in love with her. The two then grow an attraction for each other. I'm going to stop here about what goes on in the film, I don't want to give to much away. Let's just say most of you will not enjoy the ending. The film makes it feel as if your part of their life and that you know them. It's very enjoyable, it kind of reminds you of a high school couple, but in a situation with more unexpected surprises. During the film I felt happy and excited to see what was going to come next in the story. The beginning may seem like another dumb typical high school movie, but keep on watching it gets better. Like most films, this one is also based on a book; this ones by Nicholas Sparks. I really enjoy his books each on of them are similar in some ways. They each have their own different story and their own characters. Though I highly suggest you read the book first, because there is going to be some context left out.


  1. Sounds very interesting! Your review really makes me want to watch this movie! I am really into theatre and although it probably isn't much about theatre, I'm sure I would love it because I really enjoy movies and books by Nicholas Sparks.

    1. Thank You, I was nervous about posting my first post because i didn't know what kind of feedback I would get.

    2. Thank You, I was nervous about posting my first post because i didn't know what kind of feedback I would get.
